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RestoreIt! : Restore and Recover your Deleted Data from Recycle Bin


Hello Everyone,

Here is yet another interesting post.This tool was helpful for me because i deleted an Important file by mistake from my PC and luckily i came across this wonderful tool which set me right back on track.Yes,I'm not joking ! This really works 100%,I can guarantee you that.

RestoreIt!:Restore and Recover your Deleted Data from Recycle Bin

So before we see more about this program lets first download it

File Details:

Download: Restore it !
File Size: 150 KB
File Extension: .rar (Compressed Archive)


RestoreIt!:Restore and Recover your Deleted Data from Recycle Bin

How to use this tool ?

Its quite simple and self explanatory !

1.In the first step select the drive in which your file was present earlier.

2.Then type the name of the file in the first text box.

3.Then you select both the Check boxes.So that your files is searched even in the corners of your hard drive.

4.Then you'll get a list of Files which have been recovered,You can just recover your file by just selecting the file from the list and then clicking on "Restore by Copying".

5.Thats it now your done and ready to continue your work with your lost file !

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